Wednesday 19 May 2010

ECO Green Flag Renewal

On Tuesday June 8th we are being assessed to see if we can keep our Eco-Flag Status. Over the last two years since we have obtained the Eco flag status we have been involved in a variety of projects some of which include:
*Becoming a Fair trade School
*Participating in Keep Wales Healthy Week
*Recycling phones, Yellow Pages, jewellery, ink cartridges, fruit remains, paper etc
*Collecting plastic bottles to build our very own plastic green house (pictures of this development will be posted at a later date)
*Designing and using a school blog to reduce paper work
*Completing Energy audits
*Classroom lessons covering Global Warming, Fossil Fuels, Saving Energy
*Participating in the Healthy Schools Scheme.
We will keep you updated on the results of the assessment.