Monday 21 June 2010

Rag Bag Recycling Campaign

After our initial launch in the summer term, there is now a permanent Ragbag Recycling Bank within the school (in the hall) which you can use at any time throughout the year. The “Rag Bag” School Recycling Scheme has been developed to:

• Raise awareness about Textile Recycling in the UK

• Increase recycling rates, helping the environment and helping Local Authorities to meet challenging recycling targets

So if you are having a sort out why not drop your old clothes, shoes, bags etc into the recycling bank as you bring or collect your child/ren from school

Thanks for supporting us in trying to make our school and community more ECO-friendly!

Tuesday 8 June 2010

A Home Energy Monitoring Calculator

We are planning to start monitoring our use of energy (gas and electricity)within the school to see if all our tremendous efforts are having an impact in reducing our carbon footprint. Why not use the same tool? Log on to and use the online Home Energy Monitoring Calculator
A simple & fun way to help you:
★ Cut energy
★ Save money
★ Protect the environment
Track your energy use and compete with others for the lowest carbon footprint!
All that is needed is to regularly enter your gas and electricity meter readings.