Sunday 7 October 2012

New Eco council for 2102/2013

Congratulations to those children who've been voted onto the new Eco council. This year they will be working with Mrs Bailey to help ensure our school stays 'green' and environment conscious!

Saturday 3 March 2012

Eco-Committee Members Plant Orchard Trees

Wednesday 2 March 2011

On a Mission to Recycle!

Our Eco-committee have been on a mission this week to look for further ways of recycling at Ffynnon Taf Primary.  They decided to target their attention to the waste produced during lunch times.  They weighed the amount of rubbish produced after just one lunch time which was a shocking 3.4 kg! Following this they sorted the waste into groups based on their recyclable properties.  Now, they have fed back to the rest of the school and have placed a recycling bin in the school hall in an attempt to recycle  more plastic and cardboard!

Saturday 5 February 2011

Mini beast Mansion

During our after school teacher club this term the children have been extremely busy.  They have been making a 'Minibeast Mansion' in an attempt to attract more mini beasts into our school gardens which obviously has a vast amount of benefits for these mini beasts.  However, at the same time it will provide an excellent stimulus when learning about animals and their habitats.  All the children (and teachers), despite getting extremely dirty and wet,  have been enthusiastically being gathering resources to fill the mansion! Da iawn to all involved and to Mrs Bailey for coming up with the wonderful idea!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Rag Bag Day

On Friday 28th January we are having a 'Rag Bag Day'. As you know we are taking part in the 'Rag Bag' Campaign which encourages the recycling of any clothing, textiles, shoes, handbags and accessories so why not bring your black bags of clothes etc into school on this day. Not only are you encouraging your child to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle but you are also fundraising for the school.  Bags of clothes means bags of cash.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!!!!

Monday 8 November 2010

Recycling Ink Cartridges

Have you got any Inkjet Cartridges?

Help us to raise money for our school.

We will receive cash for each ink cartridge you collect

(We accept all brands, makes and models except Epson & Brother ink cartridges and Toners)

Please collect as many cartridges as possible from neighbours, co-workers and family send the cartridges into the school and place them in the recycling box outside Class 5.

Thanks for supporting us.

Ist Meeting

Thank you to all Eco committee members for making our first meeting so interesting. We decided on a new Eco-code for the school, which was an extremely difficult decision as the entries were of such a high standard. We also discussed targets for the term which will be displayed shortly on our Eco Notice Board.

We are looking forward to being visited by Matthew Bunt, Keep Wales Tidy coordinator for the area. He will be meeting with the Eco-committee and Mrs Howells to discuss new ideas for the forthcoming year.

We hope you will continue to support us over the next year in making Ffynnon Taf a greener and healthier place.